What Can I Do to Improve the Air Quality in My Home or Business?

What Can I Do to Improve the Air Quality in My Home or Business?

We take breathing for granted. After all, it happens so naturally! We don’t typically think about what we’re bringing into our lungs, especially when hanging out indoors. If you’re planning your run for the morning and need to know how easy breathing will be during your run, you can always check the air quality in Knoxville.

If you’re curious about your indoor air quality, you may be surprised to know it can be more polluted than outside! However, there are things you can do to improve your indoor air quality, such as working with Gent Heating & Cooling on implementing an air purification system in Knoxville.

How Does It Even Get In?

Depending on the outside conditions, opening your windows and doors could allow hitchhikers like pollen and smog to come in. But what if your home or business is buttoned up and you don’t have an air purification system in Knoxville in place? You’ve closed the doors and sealed the windows to keep your cooling air where it should be. That doesn’t mean that irritants didn’t find other ways to infiltrate your place. If you were just outside petting the neighbor’s dog or taking a stroll in the great outdoors, you could be the culprit for trekking in the assailants.

If you can’t blame the outdoors for coming inside, some things could have generated pollutants within your home. Thank your dog or cat for shedding irritants around your place. Or, don’t forget about the cleaning frenzy with all those chemicals you used last weekend to prepare for company. Unknowingly, you may have contributed to releasing elements in your air that could warrant an air purification system in Knoxville or at least some extra cleaning efforts.

Simple Steps You Can Take Now

After a long weekend working in the yard or engaging in your favorite outdoor pastime, you’ll want to retreat to the comfort of your home.

Pollen means no harm; it’s there for nature’s sake. But that doesn’t mean you didn’t escape inside with your nose and eyes draining in attempts to find relief from that yellow stuff. So, what can you do to ensure your respite from outside keeps you breathing more comfortably? Here are some things you can do now.

  • Avoid Air Fresheners - Using products to cover up odors add to some harmful elements you’re breathing in. Heavily scented products may entice your nose with a pleasant smell, but once you savor the lilac-infused scent, your lungs take in some of those chemicals that created the product.
  • Bath Time for Pets - Bathing your furry friends will remove some dander and fur that otherwise will land on your carpet and in your air. As a bonus, while they’re sulking around the house after their thorough scrubbing, you might also want to consider throwing their bedding in the wash.
  • Stop Smoking - For obvious reasons, smoking is not recommended in any home or business. If you smoke indoors, it works its way into the walls, fabrics, and basically every surface in the house. Even if you’re not the one lighting up, secondary smoke contributes to significant health consequences. If you want immediate help ridding your home or business from secondary smoke, consider an air purification system in Knoxville and call Gent Heating & Cooling.
  • Vacuum Often - Have you ever emptied the canister or bag on your vacuum after a whirl around your floor? As you dump it into the trash, take a look at all the stuff you sucked up that’s going to the landfill and not into your lungs.
  • Air Purifiers - This one can create lasting help when it comes to cleaner air in your home or business. Consider an air purification system in Knoxville by calling Gent Heating & Cooling. We have an option that will best fit your needs. The Reme HALO-LED in-duct air purification system will provide a whole-home solution. Or the i-Wave-R system can be used to ionize your air and remove various particulates to clean up the air quality.

Next time you take a walk around your home or business, look around and think about everything you can do to improve your indoor air quality. Simple steps add up and can help improve or maintain your health. Gent Heating & Cooling would be happy to come out and discuss indoor air quality with you (including air purification in Knoxville) and additional steps you can take to ensure you’re breathing in the best air you can.


Gent Heating and Cooling provide heating and air conditioning for residential and commercial clients in Knoxville, Knox County, and the surrounding East Tennessee area. Over 20 Years experience. Customer Service is Our Top Priority. We strive to be on time, provide accurate estimates, and have most replacement products on our service vehicles.

Call 865-213-9202 or email office@genthvac.com
